A Local Floral Shop’s Ordering App + Marketing

Research, UI Design, User Studies, Prototyping, Logo Design, Branding, Copywriting

Project Duration: June 2023

Watch the Prototype in Action!

Haiku Banner Ads

5 syllables, 7 syllables, then 5 more syllables marks the structure of a Haiku poem. When I noticed that the words “Vivi’s Floral Shop” was 5 syllables, I got the idea to turn each ad into a hidden Haiku poem! Why? Because it’s fun to work within limits!

The aim was to have a consistent look between the ordering app and the ads. So, the pastel color palette, horizontal banners, and short taglines in serif font were chosen to be the general look. The banner ads were designed to be put on billboards or online.

Vivi’s Floral Shop is structured to be a “friendly neighborhood shop” so the voice of the ads has a sense of familiarity to it. Like talking with a helpful neighbor. With a haiku’s 5-7-5 syllable structure, each ad has two conversationally-toned lines, highlighting a different use for Vivi’s Floral Shop, one with five syllables, one with seven, and then the last simply being the five-syllable “Vivi’s Floral Shop”.